Meet the Epic Browser

A startup security firm known as Hidden Reflex has now made a promise that more security will be available. What this new custom Google Chrome browser is supposed to do is block all the tracking scripts that would be sent out from advertising networks and their affiliates. One of the huge…

Firefox New Security Upgrades

The latest update for Firefox is their latest safe surfing feature. The new patch will stop websites from putting tracking cookies on your computer. Tracking cookies are just one way that some web businesses track what you do online. Cookies are only one way that your web browsing is tracked.…

Private Browsing in an Age of Insecurity

While doubts exist over the security of your online data and the confidentiality of your browsing habits, it may be time to take things into your own hands with the help of technology. Private browsing often uses terms that straddle an uncertain gap between expert users and casual internet users…