The Internet is a dangerous place. While you can learn just about anything you want from the Internet, you are also going to find that there are predators out there, looking to seal your personal information and damage your computer. From losing your financial account information to your computer crashing, there is no limit to what might happen with your computer system.
This is exactly why you need to look into different ways to protect your computer. Regardless of your computer system (both Windows and Mac computers can come under attack) or the age of your computer, it is necessary to utilize these different home security features on your computer.
Password Protect
For starters, you need to password protect everything. This is especially the case if you have a laptop. Should someone swipe your laptop you need to keep it protected, because you probably have all sorts of essential information stored on it. Sure, it is easy to simply power it on and start your work, but a simple password can be the difference of you maintaining your identity and losing it. The simple process only takes a few moments to set up and it instantly improves your security.
Insecure Networks

So you’re sitting down at the coffee shop and connecting to the Internet. You don’t really think much about it, as the Internet is free and easy to access because you don’t have to type in any long passwords. While this is convenient, it is also leaving yourself open to other users. Insecure networks make it much easier for individuals on other computers to see what you are doing, even while inside the coffee shop.
Due to this, stay away from any sort of financial banking or other services on an insecure network. You don’t want your banking and routing numbers lost into the confinements of someone else’s computer, so only do this on your own, secured network. This is going to save you all sorts of headaches in the long run.
Malware and Spyware Protection
You need to use the latest in malware and spyware protection. You don’t have to go out and purchase expensive software, as there are plenty of free programs that work just as well. Plus, these programs provide free updates, so you can always stay one step head of the dangers online. Just make sure to always download and install the safety features when it becomes available. While this doesn’t completely eliminate the chances of your computer becoming infected, it is going to improve them.
Social Media Settings
Social media security settings are always changing. It seems like every few weeks there is a new update. However, you need to stay on top of these updates and continually check your security settings. You don’t want your information viewed by everyone, as this leaves you open to attacks. You know those vacation pictures you post? Well, if your media account is not secure, anyone can see that you are not at home, which makes it ripe for a break in.