Mobile applications are everywhere in the tech world today. Some apps do as little as make odd sounds. For companies in the business world today some applications are vital to success. Here are three applications that will provide a much needed boost to your business structure, clarity, and advertising.
Brewster is an excellent free application that provides greater organization to you and your business. Brewster acts as a calendar, contact book, and social media organizer all in one. It allows you to combine all of your social media contacts, across several social networking sites, in a neat comprehensive list and provides easy access to keep in contact with all of them.
Additionally, Brewster will keep an eye out on your recent social networking and will send reminders to you letting you know that it has been some time that you have made contact with your social networking buddies, thus keeping you routinely in the loop. Brewster is also capable of reminding you of important dates such as an important meeting, your daughter’s dance recital, or your anniversary.
Google Analytics for Mobile

The Google Analytics mobile app may be the one “can’t miss” app on this, or any, list. Google Analytics provides a myriad of reports informing you of how many people have frequented your site or mobile application. In order for your business or mobile application to experience growth it is vital to know the logistics of who is using your product: in other words the who, where, when, why, and how often. This is what Google Analytics does for you.
Through detailed traffic and user statistics, Google Analytics will collect all user information of those individuals accessing your application and deliver them to you in an easy to read reports. Google Analytics will even tell you which pages, or sections, of your mobile site were visited the most and how long users stopped on each page through custom features such as Event Tracking, On-Page SEO and Flow Visualization. This firm Endurance SEO, one of the leading SEO firms in Northampton UK, has stressed the importance of tracking all activity on your website through the use of Analytic software such as Google Analytics. Repeat customers are the lifeblood of all businesses.
Google Analytics provides the information allowing you to tweak your business model in order to cater to those customers that come back to your mobile site most often. Best of all, Google Analytics will do all of this for you for free.
The tech-business world today is ever changing. Peoples’ tastes in the market is constantly altering and in turn what popular, and more importantly, profitable tech is always rising and falling. That is where Applause comes in. Applause is a handy, no cost, mobile application that scans user data of all apps on the market place.
Reports of user friendly apps, apps that are becoming more or less popular, and apps that have the best quality ratings are sent to your mobile site. Since, Applause scans and constantly ranks apps on their popularity and quality of content, you will also be able to see statistics on your very own mobile business. These reports allow you to see what is working in your business and what may need improvement.